5 Ways to Treat a Fungal Toenail Infection

Posted on: 21 October 2022


A fungal toenail infection can cause your nails to become thickened, yellowed, and brittle. If you have a fungal infection, you know how difficult it can be to get rid of. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat a fungal toenail infection. This blog post will discuss five different treatment methods.

1. Over-the-counter antifungal medication

Over-the-counter antifungal medication is a common method of treating a fungal toenail infection. You can find many different types of antifungal medication at your local pharmacy or grocery store. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly as directed.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar is a popular home remedy for treating a fungal toenail infection. You can use apple cider or white vinegar as they both have antifungal properties. Simply soak your foot in a mixture of vinegar and water for a few minutes. Some people also add baking soda to the mixture. This helps to exfoliate the nails and remove any dead skin cells which can harbour the fungus. Repeat this process until the infection has cleared up.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has natural antifungal properties, making it an effective treatment for a fungal toenail infection. You can find tea tree oil at most health food stores. To use it, mix the tea tree oil with a little bit of water and apply it to the affected nails with a cotton ball or Q-tip. Again, you can find tea tree oil at most health food stores.

4. Oregano oil

Oregano oil is a natural antifungal that can be used to treat infected toenails. To use oregano oil, mix it with some olive oil and apply it directly to the affected nails. The oregano oil will help kill the fungus, and the olive oil will help to moisturize the nails. You can also add some oregano oil to your bathwater to help kill the fungus. Oregano oil is a potent antifungal, so dilute it well before using it. You should also avoid using it if you have sensitive skin.

5. Prescription medication

Your doctor may prescribe medication if home remedies don't work. There are many different types of prescription antifungal medication available. This type of medication effectively prevents the growth of fungal cells and can be taken for an extended period. However, it can cause side effects such as stomach upset and liver damage, so follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

Contact a podiatrist for more info.