The 4 types of disorders treatable through podiatry

Posted on: 28 September 2019


Do you know that a quarter of the bones in a human body are in the feet? Some people require podiatric help. A podiatrist is a medical specialist who has studied podiatric medicine. They are devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders of the lower leg, foot, lower back and ankle. Here are some of the common diseases that they treat.


This condition causes pain in your joints. Do you feel pain in your joints when walking or using the stairs? It could be arthritis. Although arthritis is usually an illness of the hip, spine, knee, foot and hand, it could affect your joints as well. In simple terms, arthritis is the wear and tear on the joints' cartilage. Visiting a doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM) may assist with your condition.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia is a ligament which connects the heel bone to the toes. It offers support to your foot arch. When you strain this ligament, it gets weak swells and irritates. Finally, your foot bottom will become painful when you walk. A podiatrist will diagnose your condition by checking your feet and watching how you walk and stand. There is no single treatment for this condition; however, you could assist in making your foot get better by giving it some rest.

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails grow into the skin rather than over it. Cutting your toenails too short or wearing socks/shoes that do not fit may cause the toenail to grow into your skin. Ingrown toenails can get infections which will make your feet painful, swell and turn red. It could also drain pus. A DPM will physically examine your foot during your ingrown toenail diagnosis.


Hammertoes make your toes bend oddly. This condition affects all toes except the big toe. People who wear tight shoes are prone to such toe issues. Tight shoes cause unbalancing of the toe muscles. This toe issue is also related to other conditions like stroke, diabetes or injuries to the ankle or foot. Besides their odd appearance, hammertoes may hurt. You could also develop corns/ calluses where your bent toes press on the shoe or another toe.


Other conditions that a podiatrist can treat include breaks, sprains, neuromas, foot ulcers and so on. Since most the foot problems are shoe related, your podiatrist will assist you in selecting the perfect shoes for your feet. He or she could also prescribe inserts. Inserts (foot orthoses) will minimise pressure on your feet and allow your feet to walk in an efficient and stable position.

Reach out to a podiatrist near you to learn more.